Last Updated: June 1, 2024
Welcome to Motiveapp! We are an event, activity and social media platform dedicated to
bringing the world together through live experiences in your area. Through our platform,
MotiveApp and services, we enable people all over the world to create, discover, share and
register for events and activities both public and private. We are committed to protecting
and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") sets out the basis on which any
personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.
Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your
personal data and how we will treat it. At MotiveApp we operate in a realm of trust and
transparency. This Privacy Policy seeks to help you understand how we collect, use, store,
and share your information when you visit or use our applications, including any data you
may provide through this app.
When this Privacy Policy uses the term "Organizer" we mean event/activity creators using
the Services to create events/activities for consumers using our Services (a) to consume
information about, or attend, events and gatherings ("Consumers"), or (b) for any other
reason. Organizers, Consumers and third parties using our Services are all referred to in
these Terms collectively as "Users", "you" or "your". The Motiveapp is referred to as “us”,
“Our”, “Platform”.
MotiveApp Ltd is a Canadian Corporation with its principal place of business. ("MotiveApp," "us," "we" or "our. If you have any
questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address
above or by contacting us at
2. Our Privacy Statement
This Privacy Policy sets forth our policy with respect to information that can be associated
with or which relates to a person and/or could be used to identify a person ("Personal
Data") that is collected from Users on or through the Services. We take the privacy of your
Personal Data seriously. Because of that, we have created this Privacy Policy. Please read
this Privacy Policy as it includes important information regarding your Personal Data and
other information.
"Non-Personal Data" as used in this Privacy Policy is therefore any information that does
not relate to a person and/or cannot be used to identify a person. When you interact with
the Services, we may collect Non-Personal Data. The limitations and requirements in this
Privacy Policy on our collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage/retention of Personal
Data do not apply to Non-Personal Data.3. Personal Data That We Collect.
A) Information We Collect Automatically When You Use the Platform
When you use our Platform, we automatically collect internet and other electronic network
activity information about you and other information, including:
1. Log Information: We collect log information about your use of the Platform,
including the type of browser that you use; the time, duration, and frequency of your
access; Platform pages viewed; your IP address; and the page you visited before
visiting our Platform.
2. Device Information: We collect information about the computer or mobile device
that you use to access our Platform, including the hardware model, operating
system and version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information.
3. Geolocation Information: We may collect information about the location of your
device each time you use our Platform based on your consent to the collection of
this information, such as when you enable location services. For further
information. We may also collect information, such as your IP address, that can
sometimes be used to approximate your location based on your device settings.
4. Information Collected by Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: We and our
service providers collect information using various technologies, including cookies
and pixel tags (which are also called clear GIFs, web beacons, or pixels). Cookies
are small data files stored on your hard drive or in device memory that help us
improve our Platform and your experience, and track usage of our Platform. Pixel
tags are electronic images that may be used in our Platform or emails, and track
usage of our Platform and ecectiveness of communications.
5. Other Information: Based on your consent, we may collect other information from
your device, such as photos from your camera roll or calendar information you want
to manage via the Platform.
B) Information We Collect From Other Sources
We may collect information about you from other sources, such as through certain features
on the Platform you elect to use. We rely on these third parties to either have your consent
or ensure that they are otherwise legally permitted or required to disclose your information
to us. Examples include:
1. Social Media Services. If you register or log into your account through a third-party
social media service, we will have access to some of your third-party account
information from that service, including identifiers, such as your name and other
information in that account, and used for purposes such as improving your
MotiveApp recommendations. We may also have access to third-party account
information if you use the Platform feature to share a link.
2. Member Content. We may receive information about you when you or another
member uploads photos or posts other content to the Platform. For further details
about the rights over this information available to individuals.3. Current or Future Corporate AKiliates. We may receive information about you
from our current or future corporate parents, subsidiaries, or aciliates.
4. Information From Other Third-Party Sources. In order to provide you with more
tailored recommendations, we may obtain information about you from publicly and
commercially available sources, such as third-party publishers, advertising
networks, and service providers that we use to manage ads on our and other sites,
and other third parties as permitted by law. For more information about the data that
we obtain from these providers, please contact us at
We may analyze and make inferences from the information we collect.
4. How We Use Your Personal Data.
We collect and use the Personal Data we collect in a manner that is consistent with this
Privacy Policy, and applicable privacy laws. We may use the Personal Data as follows:
Specific Reason:
If you provide Personal Data for a certain purpose, we may use the Personal Data in
connection with the purpose for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us by
email, we will use the Personal Data you provide to answer your question or resolve your
problem and will respond to the email address from which the contact came.
Access and Use:
If you provide Personal Data in order to obtain access to or use of the Services or any
functionality thereof, we will use your Personal Data to provide you with access to or use of
the Services or functionality and to analyze your use of such Services or functionality. For
instance, if you supply Personal Data relating to your identity or qualifications to use
certain portions of the Services, we will use that information to make a decision as to
granting you access to use such Services and to assess your ongoing qualification to use
such Services.
Internal Business Purposes:
We may use your Personal Data for internal business purposes, including without
limitation, to help us improve the content and functionality of the Services, to better
understand our Users, to improve the Services, to protect against, identify or address
wrongdoing, to enforce our Terms of Service, to manage your account and provide you with
customer service, and to generally manage the Services and our business.
MotiveApp and Organizer Marketing:
We may use your Personal Data for our marketing and advertising purposes, including
(without limitation) by email, SMS marketing, display media, and targeting other devices
(such as tablets, mobile devices and televisions). We do this in order to inform you about
services or events we believe might be of interest to you, develop promotional or marketing
materials and display MotiveApp or event-related content and advertising on or oc the
Services that we believe might be of interest to you. We may also do this on behalf of anOrganizer, for example where your prior interactions with an Organizer suggest you may be
interested in a particular type of event. See "Opt Out from Electronic Communications"
below on how to opt out of various MotiveApp marketing communications.
You may see advertisements for our Services on third party websites, including on social
media platforms. We also provide Organizers with tools to help them display
advertisements for their events on third party websites and social media platforms. Where
you see an advertisement on a third party website or social media platform, this may be
because we or the Organizer engaged the third party or social media platform to show
the advertisement to Users, or to others who have similar attributes to our Users. In some
cases, this involves sharing your email address or other contact details with the third party
or social media platform so that they can identify you as one of our Users, or identify other
individuals with similar attributes to you in order to show them advertisements for our
Services (or for our Organizer’s events). If you no longer want your Personal Data to be used
for these purposes, please contact us at In the case of an Organizer’s
advertising, you may need to contact the Organizer directly. For more information about
how we and Organizers market on and interact with social media sites.
Organizer Emails:
We allow Organizers to use our email tools to contact Consumers for their current and past
events, so you may receive emails from our system that originate with such Organizers and
that we send on their behalf. If you registered for an event on the Services, your email
address is available to that Organizer. However, Organizers may also import the email
addresses they have from external sources and send communications through the
Services to those email addresses, and we will deliver those communications to those
email addresses on the Organizer's behalf. The Organizer and not MotiveApp is responsible
for sending these emails. See "Opt Out from Electronic Communications" below on how to
opt out of Organizer-initiated communications.
Use of Interest-Based Data:
We sometimes make inferences about the type of events or activities you may be
interested in based on information you provide in your MotiveApp profile, events attended,
and your use of the Services. We may use these inferences to help target advertising or
customize recommendations to you, including on behalf of Organizers. We may do this on
an individualized basis, or an aggregated or generalized basis. For instance, we may
determine that users who follow an organizer’s events collection are more likely to attend
future events from that organizer and organizers who host similar events. We may direct (or
assist in directing) content or recommendations related to that organizer or similar
Other Purposes:
If we intend to use any Personal Data in any manner that is not consistent with this Privacy
Policy, you will be informed of such anticipated use prior to or at the time the Personal Datais collected, or we will obtain your consent subsequent to such collection but prior to such
Aggregated Personal Data:
In an ongoing ecort to understand and serve our Users better, we often conduct research
on our customer demographics, interests and behavior based on Personal Data and other
information that we have collected. This research is typically conducted on an aggregate
basis only that does not identify you. Once Personal Data is in an aggregated form, for
purposes of this Privacy Policy, it becomes Non-Personal Data.
5. How We Disclose and Transfer Your Personal Data.
We are not in the business of selling your Personal Data. We consider this information to be
a vital part of our relationship with you. Therefore, we will not sell your Personal Data to
third parties, including third party advertisers. Some interpretations of the CCPA take the
position that when a website uses third parties’ cookies or similar technology for its own
analytics or advertising purposes, the website is engaged in a “sale.” There are certain
circumstances in which we may disclose, transfer or share your Personal Data with certain
third parties without further notice to you, as set forth in this Privacy Policy.
Business Transfers.
As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a
corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution or similar event, Personal Data may be
part of the transferred assets. We may also disclose your Personal Data in the course of
due diligence for such an event. You acknowledge and agree that any successor to or
acquirer of MotiveApp (or its assets) will continue to have the right to use your Personal
Data and other information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Agents, Consultants and Service Providers.
We may share your Personal Data with our contractors and service providers who process
Personal Data on behalf of MotiveApp to perform certain business-related functions. These
companies include our marketing agencies, online advertising providers, data
enhancement and data services providers, database service providers, backup and
disaster recovery service providers, email service providers, payment processing partners,
customer support, tech support, hosting companies and others. When we engage another
company to perform such functions, we may provide them with information, including
Personal Data, in connection with their performance of such functions.
In addition, when you register for an event, sign up for communications, enter a contest, or
otherwise input your Personal Data (such as through a web form) to communicate with anOrganizer or participate in an Organizer event, that Organizer will receive that information.
For instance, if you input your name and email address into a web form for an Organizer
ocer, activity or event, the Organizer will receive that information. The Organizer may then
send you marketing or other communications, which may be subject to its own, separate
privacy policy. Likewise, if you provide your mobile phone number, you may receive
information messages related to the service, event, activity or information in which you’ve
expressed interest.
When you purchase tickets to, register for or donate to an event, transfer an event ticket or
registration to another person, enter a contest, or otherwise input your Personal Data (such
as through a web form), or otherwise communicate with an Organizer, or participate in or
express interest in an Organizer or Organizer event or activity, that Organizer will receive the
information you provide, including your Personal Data, and where a ticket or registration is
transferred, the Personal Data of the transferee as well. Other third parties that are involved
in or on whose behalf an event or activity is promoted, may receive that Personal Data as
well. For example, as to fundraising pages, we may provide your Personal Data both to the
Organizer charity of the fundraising page and the Organizer of the event to which the
fundraising page is linked. In some instances, an Organizer may appoint a third party, which
may or may not be aciliated with the Organizer, to create an event or fundraising page on its
behalf (we call these third parties ("Third Party Organizers").
For example, and without limitation, a concert venue (the Organizer, in this case) may allow
third party promoters or production companies (the Third Party Organizers) to create events
that will be hosted at the Organizer's venue using its MotiveApp account. In that case, we
may provide your Personal Data to the Third Party Organizers on behalf of the Organizers.
The same is true for contests and sweepstakes: we may provide your Personal Data to both
the Organizer promoting the contest or sweepstakes, and any legal sponsor of the contest
or sweepstakes (such as a brand sponsor).
We are not responsible for the actions of these Organizers, or their Third Party Organizers
(or other downstream recipients of your Personal Data), with respect to your Personal Data.
It is important that you review the applicable policies of the Organizers, and if applicable
and available, their appointed Third Party Organizers, of an event (and the related
fundraising page, if applicable) before providing Personal Data or other information in
connection with that event or related fundraising page. Similarly, if you are a member of an
Organizer's organization within MotiveApp, your Personal Data will be available to the
Organizer and shared with those Third Party Organizers granted permission by the
Organizer to view all members of the Organizer's organization.
Facebook, Social Media and Other Third Party Connections.
a. Connecting Your MotiveApp Account to Social Media Services.You can connect your MotiveApp account to your accounts on third party services like
Facebook, in which case we may collect, use, disclose, transfer and store/retain
information relating to your account with such third party services in accordance with this
Privacy Policy. For example, if you connect with Facebook, we store your Facebook id, first
name, last name, email, location, friends list and profile picture and use them to connect
with your Facebook account to provide certain functionality on the Services, like
recommending events that your Facebook friends are interested in and sharing the events
you are interested in, or attending, with certain groups of people like your Facebook
b. “Liking” or “Following” MotiveApp on Social Media.
In addition, when you “like” or “follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social
media sites (to the extent we provide that capability), we may collect some information
from you including your name, email address, and any comments or content you post
relevant to us. We likewise may collect your information if you sign up for one of our
promotions or submit information to us through social media sites.
c. Facebook Plug-Ins and Links on Our Pages.
MotiveApp’s own website may contain links to Facebook as well, such as through the
Facebook “Like” or “Share” button or other social plug-ins. When you interact with these
features and links, your browser will establish a direct link with the Facebook servers, and
Facebook will receive information about your browser and activity, and may link it to your
Facebook user account. For more information about how Facebook uses data, please see
Facebook’s own policies.
d. Additional Facebook Marketing and Connectivity by Organizers.
In addition, if you are a member of Facebook (or another social media platform), and you
provide Personal Data to an Organizer (such as in the ways described in Section 5.5), the
Organizer may use that Personal Data to send you advertising and ocers through Facebook
(or another social media) platform, including when you are on Facebook or another social
media platform. The Organizer may use tools that we provide and may also work with third
parties to enable this data integration and advertising. Facebook and other social media
platforms may provide a way to opt out of this type of advertising. Please review their user
settings and support pages to learn more about how they help you to manage privacy and
marketing choices.
e. Third party services and integrations.
MotiveApp may provide you with opportunities to contract directly with third parties, and/or
to integrate with third party services or applications, through our platform. In such
instances, we will disclose your Personal Data to other entities in order to fulfill a request
by you, or to provide services you have requested.
Legal Requirements.We may disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law in order to (for example)
respond to a subpoena or request from law enforcement, a court or a government agency
(including in response to public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement
requirements), or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) comply with a
legal obligation, (b) protect or defend our rights, interests or property or that of third parties,
(c) prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Services, (d) act in
urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of Users of the Services or the public,
or (e) protect against legal liability.
6. How We Store Your Personal Data.
We may store Personal Data itself or such information may be stored by third parties to
whom we have transferred it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We take what we
believe to be reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data collected via the Services from
loss, misuse, unauthorized use, access, inadvertent disclosure, alteration and destruction.
However, no network, server, database or Internet or email transmission is ever fully secure
or error free. Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you send
to us electronically. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Data.
6. How You Can Access, Update, Correct or Delete Your Personal Data.
You can access or delete your Personal Data stored by us.
You can download a copy of your Personal Data in machine readable form and/or delete
your Personal Data by visiting the MotiveApp Privacy statement. You can also edit some of
your Personal Data directly through your account. In certain cases, you can ask us to
correct and update any inaccurate Personal Data using the contact information below, and
we will consider your request in accordance with applicable laws.
If a Consumer initiates a data deletion request, MotiveApp is authorized to delete or
anonymize Personal Data of the requesting Consumer from the Services even if that means
removing its availability to the Organizer through the Services. However, if you are a
Consumer, you understand that even if MotiveApp deletes or anonymizes your Personal
Data upon your request or pursuant to this Policy, your Personal Data may still be available
in the Organizer's own databases if transmitted to the Organizer prior to MotiveApp
receiving or taking action on any deletion or anonymization activity.
7. How Long We Retain Your Personal Data.
We may retain your Personal Data as long as you are registered to use the Services. You
may delete your account by visiting the Profile Page. However, we may retain Personal Data
for an additional period as is permitted or required under applicable laws. Even if we delete
your Personal Data it may persist on backup or archival media for an additional period of
time for legal, tax or regulatory reasons or for legitimate and lawful business purposes. For
sales customers and prospects, we retain your data as long as we maintain a relationship
with you and for a limited period of thereafter as necessary to meet business and legal
requirements.Cookies, Pixels Tags, Local Shared Objects, Web Storage And Similar Technologies.
MotoveApp uses first- and third-party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are
required for technical reasons in order for our Online Properties to operate, and we refer to
these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies. Other cookies enable us to better
understand your use of our Online Properties, to track and target the interests of our Users,
and to enhance the experience of Users on our Online Properties. Third parties serve
cookies through our Online Properties for advertising, analytics and other purposes.
Organizers can also use cookies on our Online Property to learn more about your interests
in their event(s). These practices are described in more detail below.
10. Your Choices.
You have several choices available when it comes to your Personal Data:
a)Your Choices: Account Information
You may update or correct your account information by editing your account settings or by
sending a request to
b) You may deactivate your account by editing your account settings. You may also
request deletion of your information. You will also be able to choose what information
others see about you and who may contact you by using the Privacy Settings section in your
c) Your Choices: Location Information
When you first access the Platform, depending on your device settings, we will collect
information about your location, which we use to make better recommendations for groups
and events in your area, and to improve our Platform. If you do not want us to collect
information about your location, then you can prevent this by taking the following steps:
1. If using a mobile app, by changing the settings on your device.
2. If using our website, your approximate location information will be obtained via a
3. Note that our Platform or its features may no longer function properly if you change
your settings.
Your mobile device settings may also give you the option to choose whether to allow us to
view your geolocation on a continuous basis, only when using the app, or never. Allowing us
to view your geolocation when you are not using the app allows us to provide you with
recommendations on a regular basis. Please refer to your device’s guide for additional
information on how to adjust location services.
d) Your Choices: Cookies
We may use and allow others to use cookies, web beacons, device identifiers, and other
technologies to collect information about your use of the Platform and other websites and
online services. Depending on where you live, you may have the right to opt out of the
sharing or processing of your personal information for purposes of targeted advertising
(targeting ads based on consumer activity across other sites and services), and you may be
able to use your Cookie Settings to select cookies you would like to opt opt-out of,
including those used for targeted advertising purposes.e) Your Choices: Promotional Communications
You can control some of the messages that you receive from MotiveApp and other
members by selecting the unsubscribe link in the message that you receive, or by adjusting
the communication preferences in your account settings. We will also send you a link to
these settings when you first sign up and in subsequent messages. If you opt out, we may
still send you non-promotional messages, such as those about your account or our
ongoing business relations. In addition, please consult the privacy policies of other
members for information about how to control or opt out of promotional messages from
them oc the Platform.
11. Organizer-initiated Communications.
Organizers may use our email tools to send electronic communications to those on their
email subscription lists, including Consumers who have registered for their events on the
Services in the past. Although these electronic communications are sent through our
system, MotiveApp does not determine the content or the recipients of these electronic
communications. Organizers are required to use our email tools only in accordance with all
applicable laws. MotiveApp provides an "Unsubscribe" link on each of these emails, which
allows recipients to "opt out" of electronic communications from the particular Organizer.
(1) Social Notifications.
If you connect your Facebook account or sign up for other social media integrations whose
product features include social notifications (i.e., updates on what your friends are doing
on the Services), you will receive these social notifications. You can manage these social
notifications by toggling your social settings to private or disconnecting such integration.
(2) Transactional or Responsive Communications.
Certain electronic communications from MotiveApp are responsive to your requests. For
instance, if you are a Consumer, we must email you your ticket or registration on behalf of
the Organizer when you purchase such ticket or registration. As a further example, if you
email our customer support department, we will return your email. Notwithstanding any
unsubscribe election that you have made, you will still receive these transactional or
responsive emails. You can stop receiving these types of emails only
by By electing to stop receiving all electronic communications from
us or through our system, you will no longer receive any updates on events you have
created (including payout issues) or on events you are registered to attend (including
emails with your tickets). We do not recommend that you do this unless you plan to no
longer use the Services, are not currently registered for an event, are not currently
organizing an event, and will have no need to receive further communications from us or
through our system.
12. Children - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of thirteen (13). If
you are under the age of thirteen (13), please do not submit any Personal Data through the
Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet
usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide
Personal Data through the Services without their permission. If you have reason to believe
that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data to us through the Services,
please contact and we will endeavor to delete that information from
our databases.
13. International Privacy Laws.
If you are visiting the Services from outside North America, please be aware that you are
sending information (including Personal Data) to the United States and Canada or
anywhere our servers are located. That information may then be transferred within Canada
and United States or back out of Canada & United States to other countries outside of your
country of residence, depending on the type of information and how it is stored by us.
These countries may not necessarily have data protection laws as comprehensive or
protective as those in your country of residence; however, our collection, storage and use
of your Personal Data will at all times continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy.
14. Changes To This Privacy Policy.
The Services and our business may change from time to time. As a result, at times it may be
necessary for us to make changes to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right, in our sole
discretion, to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time (collectively, "Modifications").
Modifications to this Privacy Policy will be posted to the Site with a change to the "Updated"
date at the top of this Privacy Policy. In certain circumstances MotiveApp may, but need
not, provide you with additional notice of such Modifications, such as via email or with in-
Service notifications. Modifications will be ecective thirty (30) days following the "Updated"
date or such other date as communicated in any other notice to you.
Please review this policy periodically, and especially before you provide any Personal Data.
This Privacy Policy was updated on the date indicated above. Your continued use of the
Services following the ecectiveness of any Modifications to this Privacy Policy constitutes
acceptance of those Modifications. If any Modification to this Privacy Policy is not
acceptable to you, you should cease accessing, browsing and otherwise using the
If you have a complaint about MotiveApp’s privacy practices you should write to us at:
MotiveApp Ltd, Attn: Privacy Ocicer or by email